Monday, 6 February 2017

Trump: what the left-brain saw, but the right-brain didn't

So, this blog takes a few tangents, and here is the first: I have noticed, increasingly, that I think in tangents. Two practical manifestations of this include my tendency to use em dashes in my writing, which – according to Grammar Book (case in point) – are used to indicate, "an interruption, or an abrupt change of thought" (aka, a tangent!) And, secondly, instead of the usual A4 or A5 notepad – or, increasingly, a tablet of some description – that is the accompaniment of virtually everyone in the world of work, I have started using an A3 clipboard and paper, because it enables me to better visualise all of the tangents I take in any given meeting!

[Incidentally, this very blog is a tangent: I told myself I was going to do all sorts of other things tonight, but – having spent my morning bike ride thinking about this (another one, I’ll try to do one per paragraph) – couldn't resist spending my evening writing it.]

Saturday, 4 February 2017

The Father of Advertising’s Research Imperative

The picture below piqued my interest as I scrolled down my LinkedIn timeline recently; not because I have any expertise in advertising or copywriting – I am overwhelmingly left-brain dominant, and not particularly creative – but because of what this says about the creative process (largely a right-brain pursuit) in its entirety. Namely, that according to 'The Father of Advertising', it is still grounded in comprehensive research (a left-brain pursuit).
[Ogilvy’s 1955 letter, abridged]